The truth about his father
As he went through, a faded old photograph fell out. He saw his dad standing with other people holding a banner which read “Justice for All” in large letters. He found out that his dad was an activist who wanted to stop the corruption in the town.

Adam couldn’t help but wonder whether his father had been alive and hiding all this time from these powerful officials. Why would he leave behind all of this evidence and disappear? It would be better if the evidence was all taken with him.
Confronting her mother
Adam was filled with questions. He quickly locked the storage unit and drove home. Adam confronted Jessica, his mother. She could not possibly have been unaware of what her father was doing.

Jessica was clearly reluctant to tell Adam the past of his father. Adam was aware that Jessica avoided eye contact, and his mother also hid something from him. He realized both of his parents had been lying to Adam the entire time.