56. Is it a bad idea?
Is this a good idea?
Jack re-echoed that thought to himself as he and Bonnie ran outside. This would be a huge parenting error. Jack was able to handle the girls’ disappointment but would he risk their safety?

That’s not acceptable. Jack and Bonnie were filled with fear as they ran outside their farmhouse to see what was happening.
57. Bad Visions
Jack and Bonnie hurried to the field as Jack had visions of wolves chasing their daughters through the woods. Jack and Bonnie hurried out to the field, where they saw wolves, coyotes or other predators. Perhaps it was the same one who had destroyed Jack’s father farm as a child.
Stop,Jack was forced to repeat himself.

It was this side, the one that was prone to folklore and fear, which was new. The farmer was rattled by the eggs, even though he would never admit it.