54. The Noise (Again).
Jack’s daughters swore to protect the eggs. Jack’s daughters were obsessed with caring for the eggs after they had been tarped. They spent every waking moment by the eggs.
Bonnie was even more irritated by the situation when they were forced to leave their vigil in order to do some housework.
Jack slept for a few days before he was again woken in the middle of the night by the same screeching, wailing sound that he heard when he first found the eggs.
55. Running Outside
Jack jumped out of bed and ran to the window. He saw Mary, Giselle and their friends running toward the field. They had no right to be outside at four in the morning in the darkness. “Are You kidding Me?” He said.
He and Bonnie chased the girls outside, furious at their recklessness.
The parents could only pray that their daughters had not been hurt by what was outside.