24. Autumn Leaves
Possible Drone used:DJI Inspiration 2
Where To Buy: Video Wex
Cost: $4,000*
Artists have been inspired by fall leaves for centuries, no matter what medium they use. You can’t miss the stunning visuals of changing colors. Nature is always the most beautiful. This picture is no exception.
The DJI Inspire 2 is the perfect choice for those who love detailed optics. It’s not surprising that the price is high, given the high ratings. However, the capabilities of this flying marvel make it worth the money. Make sure to buy the original and not a eBay copy.
We can assure you that drone knockoffs on eBay are quite common. A generic/unbranded DJI Mavic Pro Camera drone, for example, costs only $49.99. Although the price may seem attractive, you will pay for what is delivered. YouTube reviews have compared the real drones with the generic ones and found that the latter is far superior.
25. Love Heart of Nature
Parrot HydroFoil miniDrone:
Amazon: Where to buy
Cost: $88*
The heart-shaped image, taken by Jim Picot and featuring a shark swimming in a salmon school, won the Drone Awards “Photo of the year.” The shark’s shape changes into a heart-shaped shape as it chases the baitfish.
It’s unclear which drone was used to take this photo, but you can always use the Parrot MiniDrone Hydrofoil when taking photos near water. The MiniDrone is capable of gliding through water up to speeds of 6.2 miles per hours. Amazon has given the drone a rating of 3.8/5 stars. According to the manufacturer, “air and water adventures” are possible with the Parrot Hydrofoil MiniDrone.