He finally understood
The two spent the rest the night talking and weeping on the couch. Jamie was shocked to learn that Stacy revealed everything she had been keeping a secret from him for two years. He felt terrible about it but he also felt relieved. Everything had finally fallen into place. Stacy fell ill not long after Jamie had left.

She thought that she was stressed and that this was why she didn’t feel well. But she soon realized that the symptoms would pass. She ignored the symptoms but they continued to worsen. She felt more tired and her appetite decreased. Her body was aching and she had trouble sleeping. Her mood was getting angrier and she was having trouble concentrating. She began to worry that there was something seriously wrong. She decided to finally go to the doctors.
A caretaker
She spent the majority of her time in bed and was unable to get anything done around or in the house. She felt helpless and was unable work. She was treated at the hospital, and they sent a full-time caregiver to help her in her home. The caretaker helped Lauren a lot by cooking, cleaning and driving her to school. Then, everything clicked. She was thankful for the support of the hospital and the caretaker.

She received the medical care she needed, and her caretaker provided the support she required. She also received emotional support from the caretaker, which was very valuable. She was able get back up on her feet again and live her life. She was able go back to her job and do what she loved. She was able take care of both her home and family.