A waving teddy bear flips a family’s world on its head
What am I doing now? Luka’s pulse was racing as his followed the giant bear. Luka knew that this could be his last adventure. He had no choice after the bizarre incident that occurred. He could not shake the feeling that there was something unusual, and only he would be able to solve this mystery.
Just a few minutes earlier, he had spotted the enormous black bear outside of his window. It was so strange that it imprinted itself in his memory. It was moving! Waving?! The behavior was too bizarre to ignore. This behavior is unusual for bears. What message was the bear trying to communicate? It was the most bizarre thing of all that it wasn’t the first time. Luka chased the bear away after it appeared every morning at their kitchen windows for three days. Luka decided enough was enough the third morning. It was time for Luka to chase the bear. It must be a sign, right? !